- Praying my mom is recovering
- Snow predicted this weekend- no accumulation (we will see)
- Rob Bell's Love Wins
- No opinion, yet
- Tomorrow nights' dinner, Ledo's Lasagna
- Avoiding turning the TV on during the day, succeeding 50% of the time
- I'm crazy about my husband
- I love my Best Friend
- I learn new technical things often (I made a 3-way call on my cell today, first time)
- My favorite toy is still my NOOKColor

Thursday, March 24, 2011
10 Things not part of my 1000 list
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
- my mom, this might be a repeat, but she's in the hospital
- rain
- green grass
- spring flowers
- manicure
- pedicure
- haircut
- Bob Evans
- a cool breeze
- a nice jacket.....
Please pray for my mom, Arlene. She is in the hospital and I have very little information about what is going on. It seems that when my sister tries to get information no one is around for her to get any. My mom is on oxygen and went in to ER with chest pains and that is about all we know other than her blood sugar is very high.
I have to remember God is bigger than any thing we go through and although we seem to view God through our human eyes and give him human attributes is is omnipotent and in control.
Although she won't read this blog or any other, I just want to say, MOM, I LOVE YOU!
Monday, March 21, 2011
OK, Sharon get your groove on
- Weight Watchers
- Yogurt
- apples
- lean meats
- reduce carbs
- increase fiber
- It can't be avoided!
- Visualize
- Enjoy the journey.
Any guesses on what my ten things are about? Yep, weight loss. It's not just (I am not foolish enough to say it's NOT) looking good and looking svelte. It really is primarily about good health. Interestingly enoungh most of us give very little thought to *good health* until our health starts falling apart.
I need to get my groove on, really I do. Losing weight first begins in the brain or atleast for me it does. I need to figure all this stuff out and put it into action. It is like quitting smoking, it first was a head thing and then I quit. I did it and that has been fourteen years ago. This gives me great hope and I know that I can concur this weight thing too.
HUGS, Sharon
Friday, March 18, 2011
Tonight was FUN and 10 more things
- photographs
- showers
- clean sheets
- smoke-free house
- newspapers
- dishwasher
- indoor plumbing
- blueberries
- West Virginia
- Maryland
Thursday, March 17, 2011
10 things Plus Some Computer Insight
- Blogs
- Face to Face Conversations
- Cell Phones
- Bible Study with GAB
- Hair Color
- Comfy Shoes
- the Color Green
- Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots
- St. Patrick's Day
FB chatting with some long time computer friends, I mean like almost 9 yrs. We met on a scrapbook website now we chat about lots of things not just paper and embellies. Today it was haircuts and hair color. Will we won't we? Some days it may be about our children, our spouses, the weather. Although I haven't met these ladies in person I feel as though I know them. In fact one of my facebook friends, I met at least 13-14 yrs ago at the No-Smoke Cafe, yep, online. She and I and several others were trying to quit smoking and we did. I will be smoke free 14 yrs in July. Anyway we did meet face to face at Universal Studios, Orlando. So, who knows when and how you will strike up a friendship and how long these friendships last. Mine have lasted a long time and for that I am thankful!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
- quiet time
- reading
- dinner
- my Mom and Dad
- my plants
- not working outside the home
- or if I choose working outside the home
- 70*+ weather
- my golf clubs
- a good or not so good golf game
I had a really nice day today. No TV, Music, or computer. I spent the day doing the daily stuff, making a bed, doing dishes, laundry, that kind of stuff. I read in between a FREE book I downloaded to my NookColor. The book was a quick read and interesting enough that I will probably purchase the sequel. It was so quiet in the house, I loved that. We visited my mother-in-law at the rehab center. She seems to be feeling better, that is good news and probably a good indication she will be returning home soon.
It has been interesting to see how God is working in our lives and the lives of those around us. Check out blogs in my sidebar. He is so concerned with his creation that he even provides for his animals. That's a hint to check out Morning Bray Farm and read about Patrick. Then there is God's Amazing Power (blog also in sidebar), it shows how he sees and answers the desires of our heart. Check them out. I have a scrapbook and card blog I follow, and a photo blog I think you might like both of them.
I hope your evening and tomorrow is Blessed beyond Measure.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
10 more
2. Second cup of Coffee
3. my Cat, Tabatha
4. Warm Socks
5. A cup of tea
6. Caffiene
7. My Nookcolor
8. My husbands paintings
9. Crockpot
10. The knowledge JB shares with me.
I think the first 100 or 200 hundred will be fairly easy to come up with, then what?
Monday, March 14, 2011
One Thousand
I would love for you to join me on the one thousand things I am grateful for, you can post them here on my blog in the comment section or on your own blog, leaving the *address* we can go to and read them.
Looking forward to seeing your list!
- My Husband
- My Daughters
- My Grandchildren
- My Home
- My Church Family
- My Friends
- My Car
- My Sister
- My Morning Cup of Coffee
- My Bed
Sunday, March 13, 2011
ZUMBA, ZUMBA, I think I Can
- Wow, I didn't realize how out of shape I am.
- That is going to change.
- Weight Watchers and Zumba spells success.
- My husband is very supportive.
- 20 minutes a day can change my life.
- Jesus Calling.
- El Shaddai
- I love TV mystery shows
- Praying for those in Japan as well as those who haven't yet heard from loved ones.
- Gods plan is so much bigger than we can imagine
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Another 10 Things
- I like ten things because I don't have to be wordy, just factual.
- Went to see Betty at the Nursing/Rehab center, hope they can diminish her pain.
- Had a great day, Macy's for makeup and perfume.
- Game Stop for Wii Zumba
- Zumba, KICKS BUTT. and that was on 10-12 minutes
- Not including Zumba, I exercised 33 minutes
- I'll sleep good tonight.
- I love my Husband
- I've posted before, I am so happy we walk our Faith walk together.
- Taking a 2-3 month break from hosting Small Group.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Flowers, Friends, and FUN

These are from the Philadelphia Flower Show. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed being with my friends as well as attending the show. The ride from Maryland to Philadelphia was so much fun. We had silly girl time and laughed all the way there. In fact the general agreement was we could have just driven around all day and had a blast. The only downfall was it took over an hour to find a parking space...ugh... other than that not a complaint one.
Monday, March 7, 2011
10 Things
- Long two days
- Mother-in-law in hospital, in pain not ill, none the less in the hospital she will go to rehab
- Wonderful day planned tomorrow, I'll blog about that later
- My husband has lost his voice
- Did I say I started WW last week, weigh in Wednesday
- God is our provider, El Shaddai
- Check out Decisions in my right hand column
- Remember to love one another
- Even when it you think it to be impossible
- All is well with my soul
Saturday, March 5, 2011
We all make choices
Do you know who God says you are? You are not your past. You have a future. You can be whole and complete.
Check this out and find out who you really are!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A Few Things
- I heard this You are More today.
- You will love the song, I promise.
- Please Read Morning Bray Farm Blog today 3/3/11, something needs to be done.
- The Love of my Life is sick, hoping it's just a cold.
- Small Group tomorrow night, unless (see #4) has more than a cold.
- It is beautiful today!
- My friend came over today and we had a great visit. Equally important she brought her mother to visit my mother-in-law.
- It doesn't matter how old you are you still need friends. (#7)
- Life is Good
- All is well with my Soul!