Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 Things not part of my 1000 list

  1. Praying my mom is recovering
  2. Snow predicted this weekend- no accumulation (we will see)
  3. Rob Bell's Love Wins
  4. No opinion, yet
  5. Tomorrow nights' dinner, Ledo's Lasagna
  6. Avoiding turning the TV on during the day, succeeding 50% of the time
  7. I'm crazy about my husband
  8. I love my Best Friend
  9. I learn new technical things often (I made a 3-way call on my cell today, first time)
  10. My favorite toy is still my NOOKColor

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


  1. my mom, this might be a repeat, but she's in the hospital

  2. rain

  3. green grass

  4. spring flowers

  5. manicure

  6. pedicure

  7. haircut

  8. Bob Evans

  9. a cool breeze

  10. a nice jacket.....

Please pray for my mom, Arlene. She is in the hospital and I have very little information about what is going on. It seems that when my sister tries to get information no one is around for her to get any. My mom is on oxygen and went in to ER with chest pains and that is about all we know other than her blood sugar is very high.

I have to remember God is bigger than any thing we go through and although we seem to view God through our human eyes and give him human attributes is is omnipotent and in control.

Although she won't read this blog or any other, I just want to say, MOM, I LOVE YOU!

Monday, March 21, 2011

OK, Sharon get your groove on

  1. Weight Watchers
  2. Yogurt
  3. apples
  4. lean meats
  5. reduce carbs
  6. increase fiber
  8. It can't be avoided!
  9. Visualize
  10. Enjoy the journey.

Any guesses on what my ten things are about? Yep, weight loss. It's not just (I am not foolish enough to say it's NOT) looking good and looking svelte. It really is primarily about good health. Interestingly enoungh most of us give very little thought to *good health* until our health starts falling apart.

I need to get my groove on, really I do. Losing weight first begins in the brain or atleast for me it does. I need to figure all this stuff out and put it into action. It is like quitting smoking, it first was a head thing and then I quit. I did it and that has been fourteen years ago. This gives me great hope and I know that I can concur this weight thing too.

HUGS, Sharon

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tonight was FUN and 10 more things

Went to the Irish concert tonight. We had a lot of fun. Two of our grand daughters went with us and are spending the weekend. Tomorrow we will be celebrating the birthday of my mother-in-law, Betty. She will be 89. Holy Smokes! I hope to live to be at least 89, and to live as overall healthy as she has. Now with my next 10.....Also if you see a repeat since this will be 1000 different things let me know so I can change it.
  1. photographs
  2. showers
  3. clean sheets
  4. smoke-free house
  5. newspapers
  6. dishwasher
  7. indoor plumbing
  8. blueberries
  9. West Virginia
  10. Maryland

Thursday, March 17, 2011

10 things Plus Some Computer Insight

  1. FaceBook
  2. Blogs
  3. Face to Face Conversations
  4. Cell Phones
  5. Bible Study with GAB
  6. Hair Color
  7. Comfy Shoes
  8. the Color Green
  9. Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots
  10. St. Patrick's Day


FB chatting with some long time computer friends, I mean like almost 9 yrs. We met on a scrapbook website now we chat about lots of things not just paper and embellies. Today it was haircuts and hair color. Will we won't we? Some days it may be about our children, our spouses, the weather. Although I haven't met these ladies in person I feel as though I know them. In fact one of my facebook friends, I met at least 13-14 yrs ago at the No-Smoke Cafe, yep, online. She and I and several others were trying to quit smoking and we did. I will be smoke free 14 yrs in July. Anyway we did meet face to face at Universal Studios, Orlando. So, who knows when and how you will strike up a friendship and how long these friendships last. Mine have lasted a long time and for that I am thankful!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


  1. quiet time

  2. reading

  3. dinner

  4. my Mom and Dad

  5. my plants

  6. not working outside the home

  7. or if I choose working outside the home

  8. 70*+ weather

  9. my golf clubs

  10. a good or not so good golf game

I had a really nice day today. No TV, Music, or computer. I spent the day doing the daily stuff, making a bed, doing dishes, laundry, that kind of stuff. I read in between a FREE book I downloaded to my NookColor. The book was a quick read and interesting enough that I will probably purchase the sequel. It was so quiet in the house, I loved that. We visited my mother-in-law at the rehab center. She seems to be feeling better, that is good news and probably a good indication she will be returning home soon.

It has been interesting to see how God is working in our lives and the lives of those around us. Check out blogs in my sidebar. He is so concerned with his creation that he even provides for his animals. That's a hint to check out Morning Bray Farm and read about Patrick. Then there is God's Amazing Power (blog also in sidebar), it shows how he sees and answers the desires of our heart. Check them out. I have a scrapbook and card blog I follow, and a photo blog I think you might like both of them.

I hope your evening and tomorrow is Blessed beyond Measure.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

10 more

1. God
2. Second cup of Coffee
3. my Cat, Tabatha
4. Warm Socks
5. A cup of tea
6. Caffiene
7. My Nookcolor
8. My husbands paintings
9. Crockpot
10. The knowledge JB shares with me.

I think the first 100 or 200 hundred will be fairly easy to come up with, then what?

Monday, March 14, 2011

One Thousand

On top of my Blogging, I am going to do a one thousand things I am grateful for. Don't run away yet, I am going to add them gradually when I blog not all at one time. It is amazing the little things we take for granted.
I would love for you to join me on the one thousand things I am grateful for, you can post them here on my blog in the comment section or on your own blog, leaving the *address* we can go to and read them.
Looking forward to seeing your list!
  1. My Husband
  2. My Daughters
  3. My Grandchildren
  4. My Home
  5. My Church Family
  6. My Friends
  7. My Car
  8. My Sister
  9. My Morning Cup of Coffee
  10. My Bed

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Two Things- Pinky and Tattoo Girl

ZUMBA, ZUMBA, I think I Can

  1. Wow, I didn't realize how out of shape I am.
  2. That is going to change.
  3. Weight Watchers and Zumba spells success.
  4. My husband is very supportive.
  5. 20 minutes a day can change my life.
  6. Jesus Calling.
  7. El Shaddai
  8. I love TV mystery shows
  9. Praying for those in Japan as well as those who haven't yet heard from loved ones.
  10. Gods plan is so much bigger than we can imagine

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Another 10 Things

  1. I like ten things because I don't have to be wordy, just factual.
  2. Went to see Betty at the Nursing/Rehab center, hope they can diminish her pain.
  3. Had a great day, Macy's for makeup and perfume.
  4. Game Stop for Wii Zumba
  5. Zumba, KICKS BUTT. and that was on 10-12 minutes
  6. Not including Zumba, I exercised 33 minutes
  7. I'll sleep good tonight.
  8. I love my Husband
  9. I've posted before, I am so happy we walk our Faith walk together.
  10. Taking a 2-3 month break from hosting Small Group.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Flowers, Friends, and FUN

These are from the Philadelphia Flower Show. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed being with my friends as well as attending the show. The ride from Maryland to Philadelphia was so much fun. We had silly girl time and laughed all the way there. In fact the general agreement was we could have just driven around all day and had a blast. The only downfall was it took over an hour to find a parking space...ugh... other than that not a complaint one.
The theme for the show was Springtime in Paris. I do have a couple more pictures I will post later that lend towards that theme.
I want to thank Mary A., Lana H., and Linda C., for a great day of fellowship and fun. It is nice to spend time with women that share the Love of the Lord and can incorporate that into our day. Love you ladies. Have a Blessed day/evening!

Monday, March 7, 2011

10 Things

  1. Long two days
  2. Mother-in-law in hospital, in pain not ill, none the less in the hospital she will go to rehab
  3. Wonderful day planned tomorrow, I'll blog about that later
  4. My husband has lost his voice
  5. Did I say I started WW last week, weigh in Wednesday
  6. God is our provider, El Shaddai
  7. Check out Decisions in my right hand column
  8. Remember to love one another
  9. Even when it you think it to be impossible
  10. All is well with my soul

Saturday, March 5, 2011

We all make choices

People can say things that are hurtful and what we do with those words are up to us. We can choose to hold on to those words, harbor them, meditate on them and become them or we can let go of the negativity and become who God says we are.

Do you know who God says you are? You are not your past. You have a future. You can be whole and complete.

Check this out and find out who you really are!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Few Things

  1. I heard this You are More today.
  2. You will love the song, I promise.
  3. Please Read Morning Bray Farm Blog today 3/3/11, something needs to be done.
  4. The Love of my Life is sick, hoping it's just a cold.
  5. Small Group tomorrow night, unless (see #4) has more than a cold.
  6. It is beautiful today!
  7. My friend came over today and we had a great visit. Equally important she brought her mother to visit my mother-in-law.
  8. It doesn't matter how old you are you still need friends. (#7)
  9. Life is Good
  10. All is well with my Soul!

Monday, February 28, 2011


  1. We received this cute mug in our gift bag at the Intentional Sisterhood conference.
  2. Even though I haven't read the Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer, I am recommending it.
  3. It's Monday, and boring TV. Until ten o'clock, the Castle
  4. Terrible thunderstorm at 12 midnight this morning
  5. Wonderful hubby sitting beside me
  6. Really thinking of getting a job.
  7. Two days a week!
  8. 99% sure Weight Watchers is in my very near future
  9. Philadelphia Flower Show next week.
  10. All is Well with my Soul!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Intentional Sisterhood Conference

Let me just say that my world was totally rocked today! WOW! Intentional Sisterhood Women's Conference certainly exceeded anything I could have imagined. In three years it has grown beyond what I think we could have imagined, but God had other ideas. The speakers were really great, the drama was marvelous and the worship music just about blew my socks off.
Thank you Kristine Nelson for your vision and all the team that put this conference together. Your hard work certainly was evident. Again, from the bottom of my Heart, THANK-YOU!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Our Intentional Sisterhood Womens Conference is this Saturday. Pray for a move of God. Also pray if there are women there who are not in relationship with Jesus that they will find him in the midst of all that is planned on Saturday.
I will be leading a discussion group on, Eliminating Negative Self-Talk. This is a first for me so I am requesting prayer for just being calm. Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, and the Bible are my resources. So, please pray for those who organized this event, for those leading groups, the musicians, drama group, and all the participants.
Love you all and Blessings!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beautiful Snow

This is our most recent snow. We had close to 5 inches of snow and it truly was beautiful.
This was early and the snow was undisturbed. Enjoy the picture.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday's List, I don't know how many

  1. Praying for those in Christchurch, New Zealand
  2. Glad we only had 5 inches of snow
  3. Love, Love, Love my grandchildren
  4. I want to be organized
  5. I have a GREAT HUSBAND
  6. Preparing for the Intentional Sisterhood Conference (check sidebar)
  7. Love My Friends!
  8. Love My Family!
  9. Thankful when I leave this world I am Heaven Bound
  10. Thankful my husband and I are on this Faith Walk together.
  11. Be Blessed Everyone

Saturday, February 19, 2011

What happened to the days?

When I could stay up all night and not suffer the next day. I did get about and 5 1/2 hrs sleep last night but I am exhausted. I do remember back in the day when I really could stay up and maybe catch a couple hours of sleep or maybe not but it didn't feel so bad the next day. Ahhh.. the days of my youth.

Friday, February 18, 2011

FRIDAY-Five Things

  1. 74* today
  2. Small Group Meets!
  3. Talked to my VBFF for a while today
  4. My hair is all Blonde
  5. God really is Good!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


  1. My Mom's 80th birthday! :>)
  2. Golf Game
  3. Warmer in Maryland one morning than Florida by 3 degrees
  4. My Dad was in the hospital :<(
  5. My Dad is out of the hospital.
  6. Spent time with my sister :>)
  7. Spent time with my daughter Heather.
  8. Celebrated Heather's birthday early.
  9. A long trip down and a long trip back.
  10. I am glad to be HOME!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


  1. Snow is melting!
  2. Cut JB's Hair
  3. Had fun with friends on Super Bowl Sunday
  4. The team I rooted for LOST
  5. Missed a lot of commercials, we were having fun!
  6. A few days off from cooking
  7. My Dad's health
  8. My Mom and Sister caretaking
  9. I love my NookColor
  10. I love FREE BOOKS!
  11. Blessed

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We * GAB *(Gals and Bibles) are working on Beth Moore's *Esther* Bible Study. We follow the Frederick County School schedule. If you have seen or followed our weather it is safe to say we have missed some studies. I am wondering if we will have our study this week. It will be rain or freezing rain tonight and tomorrow, OK so that isn't Thursday, but the temperatures are supposed to be in the 20's at night. I see a two hour delay which delays Bible Study another week.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Day before the BIG DAY! Well, NEXT YEAR will be the BIG DAY! PLUS 10 Things.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I always have mixed feeling the day before, especially this year. Every year before _0 year, like 20, 30, 40, 50, 60......I have this no turning back experience. Getting older doesn't bother me it's just weird knowing that next year is _0 year and that makes this a no turning back birthday.
This past year 10 Things-
  1. New Grandchild
  2. Two Golf Trips
  3. NookColor
  4. Unemployed by choice
  5. Snowstorm or two
  6. Knitting
  7. Kuerig
  8. Two Beth Moore Simulcasts
  9. Stink Bugs (not Good)
  10. Learning to Relax

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Late

I took a class on NOOKColor this evening. Some of the things I knew from reading the users manual. I did learn a couple of cool things and the Barnes&Noble employees are VERY helpful!
I really like my new tech-toy. I especially like the free book downloads!
Not much else new, we had a heck of a snow here yesterday. People were stranded on highways, some took hours and hours to get home while others abandoned their cars and I don't know what they did.
Calling for snow tomorrow about an inch, but on top of what we had.....
I am usually a snow lover, NOT so much this year...I'm just sayin'
I guess the good news is having winter snows helps keep the water table up so that's a good thing.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday Evening 10 things

  1. NOOKcolor
  2. JB
  3. SNOW (lots of SNOW)
  4. Cookies (courtesy of a neighbor)
  5. My friend Babs
  6. Good Health
  7. Love (Isn't it the Best)
  8. My niece Justina and her Donkeys
  9. My niece Jennifer, she is a great Mom.
  10. My daughters, Heather, Staci and Sarah. I love them!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

It *IS* a Surprise!

This is it a NOOKcolor. JB is gifting me with this for my birthday.
I have done research, and I think this is the one for me.
I will keep you all updated on what I think of it, when I get it!
UPDATE: The NOOKcolor is sold out in Frederick.
We went to Barnes and Noble, Best Buy and Walmart, all three places are sold-out.
I have found a B&N that has several so JB is picking it up tomorrow. My Birthday isn't till Sunday, but I wanted it by Thursday because B&N is having a how-to class.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursdays 10 Things

Drove for the 1st time in a month
Saw my GAB (Gals and Bibles) ladies today
McDonalds Coffee
Very Chatty today (me)
Watered my Neighbors plants
Organized bookshelf
Hair Trim
Happy Thoughts
Everyone has Baggage, it's how you unpack it that Counts!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm Afraid of Horses

But I love these boots. When I bought them I had big plans, baling hay, mucking stalls, shoeing horses, NOT! I just LOVE them.

The title of this blog is true. I am afraid of horses. I was bitten on the leg by a horse. I may have been maybe 7 yrs old. I really try to like horses but I am fearful.
Just a Wednesday TidBit.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bright Eyes and Hair Bow

Her momma is having fun with her hair! Her older sister and brother had none so this is a novelty.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday, Monday Night

SNOW, so far the weathermen are right!

Monday, Monday

We are here in Maryland just waiting to see if the weatherman is correct about our projected weather forecast. That's what we do here, (wait) we can have a forecast of snow, ice, rain (that's what they are saying now) and it may pass us by. Where I live is in a valley, we are surrounded by mountains in the shape basically of a horseshoe, so when the weather comes in from the south we can get slammed or not, but if it comes from the northwest, almost always it splits at the mountains and we get little or nothing.
With all that being said, I was getting to a point,...really a point. I spent the some of my day running between two stores. The snow theory sends us to the store for the necessities like toilet paper, bread, milk, chocolate, popcorn, etc, Especially since I haven't been home for the past two weeks there were things we needed.
Two cool things about today and the important point I wanted to post, my husband went to the stores with me, and he cooked dinner.
Lasagna. Delicious.
Please check out my sidebar for a Urgent Prayer Request. Also if you have any prayer request you would like to share please do. If you would like to add them to my sidebar I will.
Have a Blessed evening, stay warm and safe.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


My first Sunday back to church since the 26th of December. It was so good to see everyone. These people are JB's and my other family.
I slept great last night in my own bed. Too Good. At 3:30 am I woke up, then again at 6 am, finally got up around 7ish. My point at 3:30 I could have gotten up and started my day. NOT!
I sure miss the kiddos, but I also am glad to be home with my husband.
Went to Panera's for lunch after church. My favorite food is their Mediterranean Vegetarian sandwich. I also had a bowl of their Tomato Soup. Yummy.
If you get the opportunity check out Intentional Sisterhood in my sidebar.
Enough of the rambling, have a great day.
BTW, God IS doing a NEW THING.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm Home

It's the Hair ---------------------->>>>>>

Two weeks ago today I went to visit Sarah and help her with the kids as she recovered from the birth of Harper. Well, it is interesting to see the hand of God in everyday things. He allowed for me to be exactly where I needed to be, when I needed to be there. Sarah ended up in the hospital three days after I arrived and was in the hospital for a week! Thankfully, JB came down on that Wednesday evening and stayed for 4 days and then I was on my own for the next few days while Jere (Sarah's hubby) tended to her. Anyway, I am glad I went there and was able to help her, and I am glad I was able to bond with my newest grandchild, and I am glad I was able to spend time with the other two grandchildren. I am going to miss those kids! Sarah was on many prayer lists, and I am thankful that God had her in the palm of his hand and that she is home and feeling much better.
Today, I am thankful to be home and tonight I will sleep in my own bed. I am also thankful that my husband has taken me to and from Chesapeake, Va. I am also thankful that Sarah and Jere took us to Shogun Restaurant for dinner last night. Thank You!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Siesta Scripture Memory Team

Memorizing Scripture with 6000 plus other women, and possibly a few brave men. I'll be memorizing 2 Scriptures a month and my husband is committed to participating, but his goal is to memorize The Lords Prayer in Hebrew.
My goal for memorizing is to learn to have Scripture in my heart and mind so that when I start that path of negative thoughts, I can have Scripture to replace them. You can't think Two thoughts at the same time.
Maybe you would be interested in participating in this journey, I know I would love to have you join us.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 Things, No particular Order

New Blog

Daughter home from hospital

See husband tomorrow

Harper 4 weeks old today

God answers prayer

Great friends

Romans 8:37 Small Group

Blessed Life

Beth Moore Blog

unmerited [ʌnˈmɛrɪtɪd]
not merited or deserved

copied from:

God Loves You. He Even Likes You.
Every now and then we need to be reminded that God really loves us. Some of us struggle with this notion especially when we have sinned or experienced a shortcoming. Some times we don’t feel very lovable. But consider this:

1.Before you were ever formed in you mother’s womb God knew you and loved you (Jer. 1:4)
2.God knit you together in your mother’s womb (Ps 139:13)
3.You are fearfully wonderfully made (Ps 139:14)
4.Every one of your days and deeds were written in God’s book before one of them ever came to be. (Ps. 139:16)
So God knew you and planned for you. You cannot earn his love you already have it. In fact you had it before you were born, before you had done anything. As for your sins God knew all about them too. Sin does not cancel God’s love but it does limit and ultimately sever our acceptance of that love. “Ah but what about Hell?” you might say. Yes a great tragedy, but do you suppose that God’s love does not extend there also? After all God does not destroy the souls in hell. He still sustains and provides for them. He loves them still. It is they who do not love him or His kingdom and he will not force it on them.

So face it God loves you, he even likes you. He does not love you because you deserve it. He loves you for “no good reason.” His love cannot be explained in any human terms. He loves you simply because he does, because he is Love. If you have never experienced this love, get on your knees and ask for this necessary gift.
