- We received this cute mug in our gift bag at the Intentional Sisterhood conference.
- Even though I haven't read the Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer, I am recommending it.
- It's Monday, and boring TV. Until ten o'clock, the Castle
- Terrible thunderstorm at 12 midnight this morning
- Wonderful hubby sitting beside me
- Really thinking of getting a job.
- Two days a week!
- 99% sure Weight Watchers is in my very near future
- Philadelphia Flower Show next week.
- All is Well with my Soul!!
Hi Sharon! How was the conference? I love Joyce Meyers...and I love your 10 things...can seriously relate to at least 6!!! Let me know how the book is...I've just bought Answers in Genesis...heard good things...and I'm teaching Sunday School now so not a lot of time left on my plate! Hugs,